GOOD NEWS! Tuition Fee Subsidies and Allowances for Qualified Public and Private Basic Education Students


To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Minister, Basic, Higher and Technical Education, BARMM
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads
State/Local Universities and Colleges Offering Basic Education Heads
All Others Concerned

1. Republic Act (RA) No. 11494, otherwise known as the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act, or the Bayanihan 2 Act, was promulgated on September 11, 2020 in cognizance of the adverse impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic to the Philippine economy and society. The Bayanihan 2 Act provides for COVID-19 response and recovery interventions, such as mechanisms to further reduce the impact of COVID- 19 on the socio-economic well-being of Filipinos through the provision of assistance, 
subsidies, allowances, and other forms of socio-economic relief.

2. To implement RA No. 11494, the Office of the Executive Secretary issued a Memorandum dated October 23, 2020 containing the Implementing Guidelines of RA No. 11494. The Implementing Guidelines was uploaded in the Official Gazette on November 03, 2020. Under Item M of said Memorandum of the Office of the Executive Secretary, the Secretary of the Department of Education (DepEd), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), within their respective mandates, shall formulate guidelines and implement the relevant sections of RA No. 11494. By the same token, Section 8.4.3 of the Guidelines provides that DepEd shall issue separate eligibility rules consistent with Section 7 of the same.

3. This Memorandum aims, among others, to provide information about the various program milestones and activities to implement Section 4(n) of the Bayanihan 2 Act and timelines and material dates in connection with events and activities that detail the procedures and processes related to the Bayanihan 2 Act for the provision of allowances and for the purpose of applying the subsidies for unpaid tuition in School Year (SY) 2019−2020 or for payment of tuition fee for SY 2020-2021 of qualified students in private and public basic education schools whose families are now facing financial difficulties brought about by work stoppage and closure of establishments due to the CQ, and who are not part of or covered by the Listahanan of the DSWD, ESC, or the SHS VP.

4. The Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) has the experience and proven track record in rendering assistance to DepEd in the implementation of the Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education (GASTPE) Program. Consistent with Section 4(n) of the Bayanihan 2 Act, which provides that “education subsidies granted under this subsection shall be released directly to private tertiary education institutions or private basic education schools, respectively, for the purpose of applying the subsidy for unpaid tuition in SY 2019-2020 or for payment of tuition fee for SY 2020-2021”, and that such provision of subsidies shall be released “in a manner similar to the TES, ESC, and SHS VP” – DepEd desires to carry out the BBE Program in a manner similar to how the present GASTPE Program is being implemented. Accordingly, DepEd entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with PEAC for the implementation of the provision of education subsidies and allowances for students, consistent with the Bayanihan 2 for Basic Education (BBE) Program Implementing Guidelines (IG).

5. The following enclosures are hereby issued in connection with this call for application for tuition fee subsidies and allowances by qualified public and private basic education students under Section 4(n) of RA No. 11494, otherwise known as Bayanihan To Recover As One Act:

Enclosure 1 - Program Milestones (in connection with the implementation of Section 4(n) of Bayanihan to Recover As One Act),

Enclosure 2 - Timelines and/or Material Dates (in connection with the implementation of the provision for tuition fee subsidies for qualified private and public school students and allowances
for qualified private school students under the BBE Program with PEAC), and

Enclosure 3 - Timelines and/or Material Dates (in connection with the implementation of the provision for allowances for qualified public school students under the BBE Program).

6. The program milestones as enumerated in Enclosure No. 1 includes, among others, the major activities carried out by DepEd to operationalize the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act in basic education. Meanwhile, the timelines and/or material dates in connection with the implementation of the BBE Program provided under Enclosure Nos. 2 and 3, to the extent applicable, update the timelines and/or other relevant provisions in the BBE-IG.

7. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is directed.


DepEd Memorandum 20, s. 2021 (DOWNLOAD)

GOOD NEWS! Tuition Fee Subsidies and Allowances for Qualified Public and Private Basic Education Students GOOD NEWS! Tuition Fee Subsidies and Allowances for Qualified Public and Private Basic Education Students Reviewed by Teachers Click on April 17, 2021 Rating: 5

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